Tag Archives: resolutions

What’s On Your Mind

What is your opinion on New Year’s Resolutions, and what are some of your resolutions if you have any?

IMG_3131Senior Amy Stromgren- People never stick with it, but I will. My resolution is to watch every episode of Friends. I’ve already watched 75 episodes in 5 days so I think I’m on a roll!



IMG_3137Senior Aundrea Koger- To be completely honest, I am against New Year’s Resolutions.  It’s not that I am adverse to bettering yourself, but I feel that making self-improvement shouldn’t be reserved for one time of the year.  If you want to be a better person don’t wait to make the necessary changes. Have the willpower to start working toward a better you immediately.  Stop coming up with excuses to put it off until a new year rolls around.

IMG_3132Senior Kelsey Lawless- In my opinion, New Year’s Resolutions are pointless because no one ever sticks to their “changes.”  People always quit around February anyway.  Plus, people should want to change as soon as they have challenges, not wait until January 1st.  To me, it’s a waste of energy, money, and quite frankly, mental sanity.

IMG_3143Senior Jake Butterfield- Hmmm… New Year’s Resolutions… I don’t have one; you shouldn’t have one.  I’m done.

IMG_3149Sophomore Sarah Thompson- I think they’re a good motivator, for the first month. If you keep yours for more than a month, kudos to you. For me, I know it’s useless as I can’t keep it going, and then I get guilty around summertime and try to achieve the goals. It’s easier to not participate, to save yourself from the guilt-ridden conscience so many of us end up feeling.

IMG_3145Sophomore Hannah Mondragon- The goals people set for New Years are accurate for about a week and then we miss the lazy, chocolate days and go about our business like we used to before our New Year’s Resolutions. So in my opinion, New Year’s Resolutions are deceiving and useless.

IMG_3148Sophomore Susan Stromgren- I think that making New Year’s Resolutions are fine.  I personally don’t make New Year’s Resolutions, and probably won’t start now.

IMG_3152Sophomore Baeh Gill- They’re kind of pointless. Only 8% of people actually follow through with them.  Also, I’ve never had one so…

Title photo courtesy of cdn.history.com