Tag Archives: ochs faculty

Stories to Tell

Getting to Know the New Teachers at OCHS

Article by Sarah Thompson

New staff is a regular occurrence in OCHS; almost every year either a new paraprofessional or teacher joins on. These teachers and paras, whether brand new or experienced, have stories to tell. Their backgrounds aren’t widely known, though most would gladly share their story. Kids normally don’t take the initiative to get to know the teachers, missing out on the opportunity to hear about previous schools, college life, or good childhood memories. New teachers, Mr. J.T. Crawford and Miss Becky Fraker willingly shared some of their backgrounds with the PowWow.

PowWow: What college did you attend?

Mr. JT Crawford: Emporia State University.

Miss Becky Fraker: Emporia State.

PW: How many years have you been teaching?

JC: 21 years.

BF: This is my first year teaching.

PW: What is your favorite part about teaching at OCHS?

BF: It’s a smaller school, so its easier to get to know the kids, and the fact the school is all under one building.

JC: Teaching the kids in middle school, then seeing them again when they’ve grown.

PW: Have you always wanted to teach?

BF: Yes, I have.

JC: No. I started in college, but I always wanted to play in a band. I wanted to tour the nation playing music.

PW: Why did you chose your subject?

JC: I have always liked old things, antiques, and found wars fascinating.

BF: I chose business/computers because it wasn’t a typical girl career, and it always changes and has new teachings. Also, I’ve always been fascinated by it.