Tag Archives: leukemia and lymphoma society

Coins for Cancer

USD 420 raises money for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

Article by Sarah Thompson

Students of OCHS, OCMS, and OCES compete against each other every year to raise money, in the form of coins, for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  This annual fundraiser, put on by the OCHS National Honor Society, is called Pennies for Patients.

USD 420 had a combined goal to raise at least $600 this year to donate to the organization, and they easily surpassed that, earning $634.60 for the 2015 fundraiser. Each branch of Osage City Schools competes against one another to raise the most money, in a friendly competition of course. The rules are different in each school though. For OCMS and OCES, dollar bills are acceptable donations, but for OCHS that isn’t the case. Dollar bills will deduct points from class totals, which makes the competition harder and more exciting, and you can put dollar bills in other classes’ boxes to bring their points down.

According to the high school secretary, Mrs. Patty Brenner, last year’s combined earning between the schools was a staggering $675.69. Second grade won, but this year 4th grade took the lead with $198.69. The juniors were victorious in the high school, raking in $82.38 to combat cancer.

Senior Sarah Peterson, the National Honor Society president, stated that the fundraiser only lasted three weeks. Even though it’s short, Pennies for Patients brings out a competitive spirit in students, and promotes donating to charity and helping others.

Big Hearts and Big Donations

Another Year of Success in the Pennies for Patients Fundraiser at Osage City Schools

Article by Cassidy Robinett

Going above and beyond and beating goals is nothing new at Osage City. This year’s Pennies for Patients was yet another success for students and faculty at USD 420. Donations made by the big-hearted people throughout USD 420 helped beat the goal that was set.

Pennies for Patients is a nationwide event that is used to help funding for the latest cancer research. The drive takes place every year in the month of February, put on by our National Honor Society students of Osage City. The drive usually lasts about three weeks. Unfortunately, this year’s drive was cut a week short, due to three consecutive snow days during the first week of February.

The drive is done throughout the whole district, as K-12 students compete against the other grade levels. In the high school, change is used to earn more money, and dollar bills are used to deduct money and lower the other class’s amount. In the elementary school, any type of money can be used to up the amount of money for your class.

The goal was six hundred dollars for USD 420, but the students went above and beyond, bringing in nearly seven hundred dollars. The two grades bringing in the most money were the 2nd and 4th grades. Mrs. Patty Brenner, the National Honor Society sponsor and high school secretary, said this year the 2nd and 4th grades had a close competition. “They were a close race the whole time through. The second grade earned $195.53 and the fourth grade brought in $174.63. They brought in a good chunk of our total earnings. They did so well I think that I will suggest to the National Honor Society that we give them a little party,” Brenner said of the competition.

In the high school the earnings were not so high, but still a help to the Pennies for Patients fundraiser. The freshman class won, bringing in $53.07. They will receive doughnuts and juice in the days soon to come for winning.

Overall, the National Honor Society was satisfied with the job that the school did in earning money. The big-hearted students of Osage City Schools have helped make a difference in the world of cancer research, and should be very proud. A job well done!