Tag Archives: Lady Indian

Burning it Up on the Floor

An Outlook on the 2013-2014 Season of the Lady Indian Basketball Team

Article by: Annah Hagan

It’s that time again. The weather becomes colder and days become shorter, but inside the gyms it’s hot with the Lady Indian basketball team burning it up on the floor. The team may have lost some starters from last year, but with those losses have come new leadership for the team.

This year there are four seniors playing for the Lady Indians: Cayla Lawless, Haleigh Peterson, Kaitlin Swindale, and Kaytelyn Robinson. These seniors know how much hard work and heart they have to put in to get wins, but they’re not the only ones working hard. Sophomore Katie Testerman says, “I work all year to achieve my goal of playing on varsity.” Even though she has to wake up pretty early to make sure she is able to make morning practices, it pays off in the end.

The Lady Indians also have a new coach leading them this year.  Sophomore Megan Jenkins says, “This year is full of changes, not just the coaching staff, but we have also gained a lot of different plays.” She is not the only one to comment on all the changes that have been introduced by new head coach Mr. Cody Liebelt. Kaytelyn Robinson says, “Even thought we are starting out a little rough, I think later on in the season we will have it together, especially since everyone is working hard and is also staying positive. By keeping the positive attitude up it helps everybody on the team enjoy practice.”

This year’s season may have started a little rough, but as the season continues and the kinks are worked out things will get better.  With this ever changing team there is always one thing that stays the same: the closeness of the girls on the Lady Indian basketball team. As a result of that closeness, they are able to work together on burning it up on the floor.

Driving it at State

   A Single Passionate Putter Went to State

Article by Annah Hagan

   On Monday, October 21, 2013, a Lady Indian golfer traveled west to compete in the 3A-2A-1A state golf tournament in Garden City. That single passionate putter was sophomore Courtney Cooley

As one would expect, nerves were a factor for Cooley at the competition.  It was her first state golf tournament and she was only one of five golfers competing as individuals; the rest had qualified with their teams.  After the tournament, Cooley noted that at one point when she was getting ready to hit the ball, she could not concentrate with Coach Wayne Rush and fellow golfer, sophomore Kailyn Robert, standing there watching her. She ended up sending them away so she could concentrate and focus on the tournament. After that she was able to settle in, and ended up shooting a 127, only one stroke more than her regional score.  That earned her 40th place out of 86.

Despite the nerves and the big stage, Cooley enjoyed her experience at the state tournament.  “It was a great experience and I had fun representing Osage in that big tournament,” she said.  Along with Coach Rush and Robert, her parents made the trip out to support her as well.  Cooley’s participation and performance made her family, team, and community proud.