Category Archives: Entertainment

You Know You’re From Osage If…

1.  You can hear Willie Atchison commentating every football game, even on the opposite side of town.

2.  Everyone is amazed when Mr. Marple says he agrees with something President Obama has done.

3.  The fire alarm goes off at school, so the fire department has to come… during national fire prevention week.

4.  There’s a cow wandering around on Market Street.

Top Ten Activities to do Outside of School

1.  Earn some dough working at Jerry’s Thriftway

2.  Get on Instagram

3.  Take selfies

4.  Facebook stalk

5.  Watch Netflix

6.  Sleep

7.  Eat

8.  Raise your Snapchat score

9.  Hang out at Sonic

10. Play sports

Photos courtesy of:,,,

Indian Opinion

What was your favorite part of homecoming?

Cora  Freshman Cora Heisler- “The rap because we get to see people make a fool of themselves.”

Courtney  Sophomore Courtney Cushing- “My favorite part was Friday in general. The cookout was good, the food was yummy, and the parade was fun.”

Ryan  Junior Ryan Haskins- “Beating Chase County by a lot.”

Manuel  Senior Manuel Friedlein- “I liked everything because it was new for me.”

Indian Opinion

What was your favorite part of prom this year, and why?

IMG_8759  Senior Bob Bailey- I liked the whole thing because I was able to spend time with my girlfriend.


IMG_8751  Junior Mikey Ordonez- Probably the dance, because it was fun.  I got to hang out with my date and all of my friends, and we were all dressed nicely.


IMG_8754  Sophomore Katie Testerman- My favorite part of prom was when a group of my friends and I started belting out “Let it Go” from Frozen at the dance.


IMG_8764  Freshman Shelby Davidson- Probably the improv comedy group at after prom, because it was really funny.



You Know You’re From Osage If…

1.  All productivity stops in school when the power goes off.

2.  People in town drive 30 mph in a 20 mph zone and 20 mph in a 30 mph zone.

3.  The most popular topic at school is the new registers at Jerry’s.

4.  The high school students get demolished by the elementary kids in the Pennies for Patients drive.

5.  The softball coach has 3.5 hour practices every day for “fun.”

Photo courtesy of Osage County Herald-Chronicle

Spring Break Indian Opinion

What did you do over spring break? Of these, which was your favorite?

IMG_6429   Senior Shawn Sheesley- “For the first half of break I was at my dad’s in Kansas City, then on Wednesday I went to Seattle with Tristan (Carlson), and we came back Monday.  My favorite thing over break was probably visiting downtown Seattle.”

IMG_6436    Junior Paige Pearson- “I went to Riviera Maya in Mexico.  I think my favorite thing was either going to the Mayan pyramids or swimming with the dolphins.  Those two are a close tie.”

IMG_6425    Sophomore Katie Testerman- “Over spring break I went to Durango, Colorado, visited my aunt, skied for the first time, saw a movie called ‘Son of God,’ and went antique shopping.  My favorite thing was the skiing.”

IMG_6438    Freshman Kyla Majors- “Over spring break we went to Missouri to see my family.  My favorite part was hanging out with my cousin, Alanah.  She taught me how to do backflips on the trampoline!”

IMG_6431   Principal Tony Heward- “My wife and I went camping in Branson, Missouri.  We stayed five nights in our camper.  It was marvelous.  No kids, no phones.  My favorite part was when Judy and I played Kubb, an old Swedish game.”

IMG_6433   Mrs. Tara Durkin- “Oh boy… Well, I went to Las Vegas.  And the best part was watching Cirque Du Soleil perform their show ‘O’ at the Bellagio.”