Pitching for the Win

A young OCHS softball team strives for success

Article by Sarah Thompson

Sharing qualities with baseball, softball is a girls dominant sport. Typically played in the spring, the girls are already headlong into the season.

The OCHS girls practice diligently every day to, as Coach Tammy Serna wishes, get a win-loss record of .500. “We’re young and still learning so we’re struggling a bit right now, but we’re practicing hard everyday to try and turn it around,” says Coach Serna.  Her goal for the team, along with getting the win-loss of .500, is to get stronger for the future. Despite being young, Coach Serna acknowledges that her returning players have improved from where they started.

Sophomore Kelsy Orender, who has been playing softball for eight years, has a similar view of the team. “We are young, a majority of our team is freshman. We have a lot to work on, but we can do it,” says Orender.

Beyond team goals, each player should have her own individual aspirations. Orender’s personal goal is to be a leader and help out the girls with anything. Another goal she has is to get better as a pitcher.

Through continued hard work, the team has a very good chance of improving and being the best it can be.

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