Daily Archives: December 5, 2014

The Voice of OCHS

A large OCHS Student Council is working to make a difference in the school and community

Article by Aundrea Koger

In recent years, the number of Osage City High School Student Council members has increased significantly, due in part to the fact that OCHS no longer has elections for representatives (however, representatives must run in an election to fill an office position).  Joining StuCo just requires filling out an application in the spring that is available to any high schooler who is interested.  It allows more students to get involved, which leads to increased productivity within the council and the school, and a broader representation of opinions at OCHS.

With StuCo tallying in at nearly thirty members this year, the council has been able to become more active, putting on various new charities and programs.  In addition to sponsoring Queen of Courts, Homecoming, and the Mr. Osage pageant, OCHS StuCo will be involving USD 420 in a charity called “Monkey in my Chair.” This charity, which started last Friday, raises money for elementary kids with cancer, so that they can receive a stuffed toy monkey.  When the student is absent from school because of illness or treatments, the monkey will sit in the student’s chair in the classroom.  It’s designed to help keep the cancer patient connected with his or her fellow students.

Mrs. Kathy Camarena, the Student Council sponsor and guidance counselor at OCHS, noted that StuCo will also be starting a program called S.A.F.E.  This program, “Seatbelts Are For Everyone,” is being integrated into the district in order to encourage more people to buckle up. There will be routine checks, and prizes or rewards will be given out to students who are seen wearing their seatbelt.  And this is not the only program StuCo is taking up that recompenses students for being amenable.

Since Christmas is right around the corner, Student Council has decided to partake in the holiday spirit, not only by making the Mr. Osage Pageant Christmas-themed, but also by starting “Santa’s Nice List.”  Whenever a teacher or staff member sees a student doing something good, such as performing well in the classroom or being especially helpful or kind towards peers, they will put that student’s name in a jar and there will be a drawing for various prizes at the end of the week.

OCHS StuCo has always been dedicated to making improvements to the district and giving back to the students, as well as those in need, through incentive and charity programs.  And with two times as many representatives than in past years the Student Council has been able to take on even more projects.  The many members of StuCo enjoy working for the betterment of the school and community and accurately representing the opinions of the student body.  Many schools don’t have such an active and engaged Student Council, so Osage City High School is fortunate.  In the words of junior and StuCo president Kailyn Robert, “It’s nice to be able to have a voice for the school.”