Monthly Archives: March 2014

Spring Break Indian Opinion

What did you do over spring break? Of these, which was your favorite?

IMG_6429   Senior Shawn Sheesley- “For the first half of break I was at my dad’s in Kansas City, then on Wednesday I went to Seattle with Tristan (Carlson), and we came back Monday.  My favorite thing over break was probably visiting downtown Seattle.”

IMG_6436    Junior Paige Pearson- “I went to Riviera Maya in Mexico.  I think my favorite thing was either going to the Mayan pyramids or swimming with the dolphins.  Those two are a close tie.”

IMG_6425    Sophomore Katie Testerman- “Over spring break I went to Durango, Colorado, visited my aunt, skied for the first time, saw a movie called ‘Son of God,’ and went antique shopping.  My favorite thing was the skiing.”

IMG_6438    Freshman Kyla Majors- “Over spring break we went to Missouri to see my family.  My favorite part was hanging out with my cousin, Alanah.  She taught me how to do backflips on the trampoline!”

IMG_6431   Principal Tony Heward- “My wife and I went camping in Branson, Missouri.  We stayed five nights in our camper.  It was marvelous.  No kids, no phones.  My favorite part was when Judy and I played Kubb, an old Swedish game.”

IMG_6433   Mrs. Tara Durkin- “Oh boy… Well, I went to Las Vegas.  And the best part was watching Cirque Du Soleil perform their show ‘O’ at the Bellagio.”










Big Hearts and Big Donations

Another Year of Success in the Pennies for Patients Fundraiser at Osage City Schools

Article by Cassidy Robinett

Going above and beyond and beating goals is nothing new at Osage City. This year’s Pennies for Patients was yet another success for students and faculty at USD 420. Donations made by the big-hearted people throughout USD 420 helped beat the goal that was set.

Pennies for Patients is a nationwide event that is used to help funding for the latest cancer research. The drive takes place every year in the month of February, put on by our National Honor Society students of Osage City. The drive usually lasts about three weeks. Unfortunately, this year’s drive was cut a week short, due to three consecutive snow days during the first week of February.

The drive is done throughout the whole district, as K-12 students compete against the other grade levels. In the high school, change is used to earn more money, and dollar bills are used to deduct money and lower the other class’s amount. In the elementary school, any type of money can be used to up the amount of money for your class.

The goal was six hundred dollars for USD 420, but the students went above and beyond, bringing in nearly seven hundred dollars. The two grades bringing in the most money were the 2nd and 4th grades. Mrs. Patty Brenner, the National Honor Society sponsor and high school secretary, said this year the 2nd and 4th grades had a close competition. “They were a close race the whole time through. The second grade earned $195.53 and the fourth grade brought in $174.63. They brought in a good chunk of our total earnings. They did so well I think that I will suggest to the National Honor Society that we give them a little party,” Brenner said of the competition.

In the high school the earnings were not so high, but still a help to the Pennies for Patients fundraiser. The freshman class won, bringing in $53.07. They will receive doughnuts and juice in the days soon to come for winning.

Overall, the National Honor Society was satisfied with the job that the school did in earning money. The big-hearted students of Osage City Schools have helped make a difference in the world of cancer research, and should be very proud. A job well done!

Opposite Ends of the Spectrum

   Osage City High School has a Good Balance of State Competition-Worthy Individuals

Article by Kailyn Robert

Qualifying for state in any activity is an enormous accomplishment, whether with a team or individually. This winter Osage City High School was lucky enough to have two individuals qualify for state competition. What they qualified in are on opposite ends of the spectrum, which creates a nice balance of talent here at OCHS.

Senior Don Curtis, one of the two state qualifiers, made the cut for state band. It was held at the Century II Convention Center in Wichita. Although this was his second year qualifying for state, Curtis was unable to attend last year due to weather. Curtis enjoyed the experience, stating that his favorite part was, “Playing in a perfectly balanced band where everybody wanted to be there.” He had a very satisfying experience, and he believes that more OCHS band members should try it. So whether you enjoy activities like band, or sports like wrestling, there are great role models here at Osage City High that can help motivate you by their successes.

Drake Whalen, a senior wrestler who qualified for state, also enjoyed a similar experience. The state wrestling tournament was held in Hays, Kansas, and Whalen was excited to be going for the first time in his high school career. The competition to even get into state was difficult, but Whalen pulled through and placed second at the regional tournament. At state Whalen was also successful, going 2-2 and placing in the top eight. He was happy with the outcome, yet his favorite memory was just “getting to actually compete at state.”

Both Don Curtis and Drake Whalen are great role models, and their success stories can surely inspire all of us to reach our goals.