Monthly Archives: November 2013

Top 10 Thanksgiving Jokes

1.  What kind of key can’t open doors?

A turkey

2.  Why did the band hire the turkey as a drummer?

Because he had the drumsticks!

3.  What’s a pilgrim’s favorite kind of music?

Plymouth Rock!

4.  What’s the friendliest vegetable on Earth?

Sweet potato!

5.  What’s a turkey’s favorite type of doll?


6.  What should you wear to your Thanksgiving dinner?

A har-VEST

7.  If fruit comes from a fruit tree, where do turkeys come from?

A poul-TRY

8.  If pilgrims were still around today, what would they be  most famous for?

 Their age

9.  Why do pilgrims’ pants always fall down?

Because their belt is on their hat!

10.  Who is the only one not hungry for Thanksgiving?

 The turkey, because he’s already stuffed!

jokes courtesy of

photo courtesy of

Laughter Filled Nights

Cast and Crew of “Laffing Room Only,” Make Memories

Article by: Aundrea Koger

   For the past several months the cast and crew of the OCHS production, “Laffing Room Only,” have been working hard to make sure that the debut showing of the play brings about laughter from the audience.  But they had been doing their own fair share of laughing on the many Tuesday and Thursday nights they’ve had rehearsal.  They’ve made memories to last, and are eager to see their hard work pay off.

This year the cast of the play is a close-knit bunch, even with the addition of several underclassmen who have never been in a production before.  “Most of us get along really well, which is probably why it’s so fun… and why we mess up a lot,” commented senior and veteran school play participant Tristan Carlson with a chuckle.  He noted that he and his fellow cast members will occasionally miss entrances and mess up lines at rehearsals, but all they can do is laugh about it.  In fact, these moments are Carlson’s favorite part of play practice.  However, the fun times may have cost the cast a little bit in terms of preparedness.  “We’re cutting it close, but I think we’ll pull it together at the last minute like we always do,” expressed Carlson.

Being the experienced actor he is, Carlson doesn’t seem to be worried about last minute preparation on the production, but he is worried about how much he’ll miss doing school plays.  “I’ll probably miss Mrs. Stuckey (the director) the most,” noted Carlson.  “She’s hilarious and she’s a really good director, even though she doesn’t think she is.” Despite his sadness over this being his last high school play, Carlson remains in good spirits.  He’s confident that audiences will love the comical nature of “Laffing Room Only,” and encourages students to bring their friends and family to watch.  Opening night is tonight at 7 pm, and another show will be put on this Sunday at 2 pm.  Entry fees are $3 for students and $5 for adults.

Going Out With a Bang

Juniors Aundrea Koger and Sarah Peterson Do Well at State Cross Country

Article by: Kelsey Lawless

   As fall sports wind down, state championship competitions start up across the state.  Two OCHS athletes, Juniors Aundrea Koger and Sarah Peterson, represented OCHS at the 3A state  cross country meet on Saturday, November 2 in Lawrence. The meet was held at Rim Rock Farm, which happens to be the KU cross country course.

   To say both runners performed well would be an understatement.  Peterson placed 29th out of 99 runners, while Koger brought home a state championship with a time of 15:47.  Koger, on winning the championship, said, “For me, I think it went better than I ever could have imagined.” It was the culmination of a very successful season for Koger, as she also won regionals, league, and five regular season meets this year.

   Peterson was also pleased with her performance at the meet.  “I thought I did very well. My time was pretty good, and I finally beat a girl I’ve been trying to beat all season long,” said Peterson.  Just making state was quite an accomplishment for Peterson, since she had to overcome a major medical obstacle along the way.  She missed three weeks of practice and three meets due to mono earlier in the season, but she battled through and finished strong at the end.

   With their amazing finishes this year, the girls hope to continue to improve and make an even bigger statement next year. They truly made OCHS proud, and a congratulatory party for the girls was held on Tuesday, November 5 to show the school’s support.

Photo Courtesy of Todd Peterson