Daily Archives: October 15, 2013

What’s On Your Mind

If you could be on any TV show, what would it be and why?

AHSophomore Annah Hagan- “If I could be on any TV show it would be ‘The Vampire Diaries.’ Who wouldn’t want to be a werewolf or vampire, especially if you got to be around the Salvatore brothers, Damon and Stefan, and the old fashioned Klaus?”


CRSophomore Cassidy Robinett- “As hard as it was to decide, I’m going to go with ‘What Not to Wear!’ Going to New York City with five thousand dollars of someone else’s money to shop and then have someone do my hair and makeup? Sounds awesome!”



Junior Amy Stromgren- “’The Voice,’ just so I could hug Adam Levine, even though I can’t sing. If I have a really good sob story and then cry, I could definitely get a hug. Or, I would just hug him without him wanting to get one. I just want to hug Adam Levine, alright?”


KLJunior Kelsey Lawless- “I would be in ‘Doctor Who’ with the 11th doctor because I have always dreamed of time travel and how fun it would be to get to bounce from century to century with a handsome doctor, and possibly save the world from alien invaders. Especially if that doctor is British, good-looking, and incredibly funny. Like my favorite TV quote says, “Dress everyday like you would run away with the doctor.”


AKJunior Aundrea Koger- “If I could be on any TV show I would definitely choose ‘Robin Hood’ on BBC, and I, of course, would be Lady Marian.  What’s better than being saved by an incredibly attractive outlaw who actually happens to be a charismatic and chivalrous hero?”